Leadership is a widely used and also abused term. Countless books on this subject have been written, many conferences have been organized and significant training budgets have been used up. The result? We often continue to work as if nothing has happened or changed. But what is leadership exactly and how does it manifest itself? When is it necessary and how do you do it right? How do you develop your leadership? Of course, there is no single answer to all these questions. It depends, of course, on time, place and context. And more specifically on the people themselves. Companies and organizations also vary greatly. It is therefore common sense to talk about what leadership is and what we mean, where we recognize it and where we miss it, what it could look like and what we want to develop to get there. The dialogue on this is a means and of course, as always, an end in itself. By continuing to reflect on our own and our applied conceptual framework – with the central concept of leadership – we continue to develop, also as a leader.